
Program and Computer

How the programs run internally?on single computer and on server? What is a computer: an electronic Device that manipulates information or Data. Definition: A computer is Machine made of devices that enable you to enter data (input) , process it(CPU), store it(Memory) and output the result. Logic Gate: AND , OR, NOT We use transistors to build logic gates(3) Transistors are connected in specific wires to create special circuits called logic gates. Logic gates can be combined to form calculations, make decisions and remember information. Microprocessor is responsible for running software or applications like web browsers... together with Operating System. An Integrated circuit that contains all the functions of CPU of a computer. 4 bit to 64 bit Microprocessor: CPU or Microprocessor is the Brain of computer. Clock Speed or Clock Rate : No of instructions per sec. One CPU Cycle Fetch -->Decode-->Execute-->store/write back to cache instructions

Database Definition and DBMS

Database is a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired peices of data.  You can think of database as an electronic filing system. Traditional databases are organized by fields, records and files. an alternative concept in database desing is known as Hypertest . In a Hypertext database any object, whether it be a piece of text, a picture, or a film can be linked to any other object. To access information from the system you need DBMS(database management system) . This is a collection of programs that enables you to  store, modify and extract information from a database. database is used as shorthand for DBMS, there are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. few database applications: computerized library systesm, Automated teller machines, flight reservation systems,computerized parts inventory systems. DBMSs can


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SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE from:  Social Intelligence is the human Capacity to use our brains to effectively navigate through complex emotional situations and negotiate different social relationships. It is an ability that helps us adjust according to different working environments. In this world two individuals are born distinct from each other, and are different in their ways of thinking and interpreting the world. So this is the reason behind difference of opinions. Even with difference of opinions and unique ways of looking at problems, we can’t deny the fact that we are all social beings and we have to interact with others. we need to grow and relate to others for growth, knowledge, awareness and survival. This process of interacting with different people teaches us the essential skill of adaption. We learn to make adjustments in our lifestyle by relating to other people. We need to adapt constantly under various situations