English Websites for learning

1.contains dialogues --http://www.perfectyourenglish.com/speaking/english-speaking.htm

1.Talking about taste:
Hi Food is one of my favourite things in the world. we are all able to taste food from all corners of the globe, so there needs so many adjectives to describe what we are tasting.
different tastes:
Bitter: unpleasant taste like : coffee, dark chocolate
Sweet : taste of sugar
Dry : not wet
Moist : A little Wet
Bland/tasteless: Boring
Spicy : Having Strong flavours from spice
Savoury:  Not sweet like : bread
Rich : Rich food has a lot of butter, cream , or eggs in it.
Salty : taste of salt
tasty : good flavour and nice to eat it
Sugary : taste of sugar
Greasy : Containing or covered with fat or Oil
Scrumptious : delicious 
Sour : Having a sharp taste e.g : lemon
Piping hot : very hot
Crunchy : Firm and making  a loud noise when it is eaten
Peppery : Strong flavoured with pepper or other hot spices
pungent : having a sharply strong taste or smell (the pungent smell of frying onions)
tart : an open pastry case containing a sweet or savoury filling
Juicy : food that contains a lot of juice
mushy : food that is very soft
rancid : food that has 'gone off'(store butter in bride to stop it going rancid)
ripe : food that is ready to eat

-----Talking about the look, taste and smell of food
 cake  looks delicious
 food smells good.
my mom's home made chips are yummy.
my mother's apple pie is out of this world(excellent, very delicious)
it looks over-cooked
the soup is a bit too salty
the meat is tough and dry
the taste of this dish is a bit bland
it tastes like a piece of leather
the food in that restaurant is really disgusting
the food in the new Italian restaurant is second to none( the very best)
--------Saying about hungry
    i am hungry
   i   am starved(=very hungry)
   i am so hungry
   i am peckish (=a little bit hungry)
------At the dinner table
please pass me the salt
could you pass the pepper please?
could i have some milk please?
could i have seconds, please?
is there any more of this?
Dessert : the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.
--Good Food:
appetizing,flavourful,mouthwatering,delicious, savoury, edible(Fit to be eaten)
---Bad Food
disgusting, inedible, horrible, unpalatable
To taste
To taste of
-----Some words to describe 
Soft : banana,Potato, egss, Rice, Bread, SouP
Crisp : Apples, Raw Cucumber
hard : Seeds, Hard candies,Lollipops
Chewy : Gum, chicken
Crunchy : Potato Chips,Peanuts, Baby Carrots, Popcorn, 
---I love to try different kinds of food. i like the green have you ever had that?it tastes so delicious.it flavoured with a number of spices and seasoning's
Does this soup taste ok to you? I think it may need more salt.
The chef flavours the soup with salt and bay leaves.
Which ice cream flavour do you like, chocolate of vanilla?

1.Talking About Family:

how many people are there in your family?
i have about 4 people in our family.
Immediate Family members:
consist of Father mother and siblings.
Siblings: Sister(elder(before you)),brother(Younger(after you))
this is called nuclear family(living together)
Father Side: paternal Family members
Parents: paternal Grand parents
Brother : Paternal Uncle and his wife Aunt
Brother's son: Cousin
Sister : paternal Aunt and her husband Uncle

Mother side :maternal Family members
Parents: Maternal Grand parents
Brother : Maternal Uncle and his wife Aunt
Brother's daughter :cousin
Sister : Maternal Aunt
[engaged man ---fiancée and engaged girl --fiancée]

Father: Father-in-law
Mother: Mother-in-law
Brother: brother-in-law and his wife sister-in-law[for wife and husband]
Brother's son: Nephew
Sister : Sister-in-law and her husband brother-in-law [for wife and husband]

Father: Father-in-law
Mother: Mother-in-law
Brother :Brother-in-law and his wife sister-in-law [for both wife and husband ]
Brother's Son: Nephew[both]
Brother's daughter : Niece[both]
Sister: Sister-in-law and her husband brother-in-law[for both wife and husband]

Step-Mother: A women who is married to one's father after the divorce of one's parents or the death of one's mother
Step-Father: opposite to Step-Mother
Step Brother : opp to step sister
Step Sister : a daughter of one's step-parent by a marriage other than with one's own father or mother
half-Sister : a sister with whom one has only one parent in common
Half-Brother : opposite to half-sister
half-nephew : son of one's half-brother/half-sister
half-niece : daughter of one's half brother/half-sister
Nephew-in-law: son of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law,husband of one's neice
Niece-in-law : daughter of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law, Wife of one's nephew
step-nephew: son of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepson of one's brother/sister, or stepson of one's stepbrother/stepsister.
Step-niece – daughter of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepdaughter of one's brother/sister, or stepdaughter of one's stepbrother/stepsister.
Half-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; husband of one's half-niece.
Half-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; wife of one's half-nephew.
Step-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's stepbrother/stepsister; husband of one's step-niece.
Step-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's stepbrother/stepsister; wife of one's step-nephew.
Great-nephew (also called "grand nephew") – son of one's nephew/niece, grandson of one's sister/brother.
Great-niece (also called "grand niece") – daughter of one's nephew/niece, granddaughter of one's sister/brother.
Half-great-nephew – son of one's half-nephew/niece.
Half-great-niece – daughter of one's half-nephew/niece.
Cousin-nephew – son of one's first cousin (i.e., a first-cousin-once-removed who is male and in the younger generation).
Cousin-niece – daughter of one's first cousin (i.e., a first-cousin-once-removed who is female and in the younger generation).
brother-in-law can mean own sister's husband or wife's sisters husband. to avoid confusion, co-brother is widely used in india, mostly in the southern parts.
uncle,aunt,parent’s sibling
nephew,niece,sibling’s child
cousin,cousin,aunt’s/uncle’s child
great grandfather – a father of your grandparent
great grandmother – a mother of your grandparent 
  widow – a woman whose husband has died
widower – a man whose wife has died
bachelor – a man who has never been married
spinster – a woman who has never been married
single – a person who isn't married and doesn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend
2.Saying Good Bye:

1.good bye: never wants to talk, or feeling angry
2.Fare well: final good bye .Ex: co-worker is going to new job
3. Have a good day/have a nice day/Have a wonder full day: in business situations who are not close to u
4.Take Care : formal phrase , used to say to your friends and close to you.
5.Bye : informal way /common way
6. Bye Bye : childish,more for kids
7.Later : casual way especially men Ex : later men
8. See you Later : casual way
9. have a good one :more casual ex : friend
10. So long: very casual way especially : in news head lines
11. Al-right: casual way for friends

Super casual ways:
1.Catch ya later: more casual way ex: friends
2.Peace/Peace Out: Hip-Hop Culture
3.I am out : ex : i am out of here in five min
4. Smell you later : ex: to niece (little one smell you later)
3.Difference Between On-time and In-time:
it is a duty has to happen at the right time
Ex: peter wants to start the meeting at On-time.
i hardly ever get to work on-time.
is a dead line the last moment before you do something.
ex: peter wants to finish the meeting In-time.(before the dead line)
i hardly ever finish my work in-time.(not finishing the work)
The ambulance arrived just in-time at the spot(before it was too late)
if you don't submit the project in-time you will be fired.(you should get done the project before Friday)
Ending the Conversation:
1.Be friendly give a smile
2.make a positive comment, and say you need to go, give a reason for ending
Ending Informal Conversation:
Conversation 1:

“Hey, it was nice talking to you, but I've gotta run.”
“OK, no problem. Have a good one!”
“You too – bye!”

“I've gotta run” is an informal expression to say “I need to go.”

Conversation 2:

“Well, I’d love to keep chatting, but I have to head out – my yoga class starts in an hour.”
“Oh, enjoy your class!”
“Thanks! See you later.”

“head out” means “leave” or “go”

Conversation 3:

“Thanks for the book recommendations, I’ll definitely have to check them out. Anyway, I actually need to go pick up my kids from school.”
“All right – take care!”

Notice how all three conversations use a “transitional” word like “Hey,” “Well,” or “Anyway” to introduce the end of the conversation.
Ending a more formal conversation (at work):

Conversation 1:

“Okay, so I’ll call the distributors while you prepare the contract, and we’ll touch base next week.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
“Great! Have a good afternoon.”
“Thanks, you too. Bye.”

You can end a conversation at work by giving a summary of the conversation or the next actions to take. This gives the other person a signal that you would like to end the conversation.

“Anyway, I should get back to work.”
“Yeah, me too. See you later.”

“I should get back to work” is a good way to end a conversation with a co-worker that is not related to work – for example, if you are chatting with your colleague about weekend plans or other interests.

“Well, I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to keep you.”
“That’s OK. Nice talking to you.”

“I don’t want to keep you” is a way to say that you respect the other person’s time, so you won’t continue the conversation for hours and hours. This also signals that the conversation is coming to an end. It is often used during phone calls.
Reply for what is up/wassup?
Wassup,,,means asking how are you? what are you doing? or what is news from you,,, better response for this is... just simply answering i am fine i was good. as usual, there is nothing new
 If you are not doing anything at that moment, you can answer: nothing really much. Now, if you`re doing something: you can tell him/her, I`m cleaning my house now or I`ll go to the beach later. It`s a synonym of , what are you doing?

 Im fine..how about you?thats my simple answer.

5.English Gap Filters:

i.  tell me something?--trying to ask personal questions like
ii. don't tell me...--while telling gossip or something secret of you . if you don't know how to react
iii. wow!---when seeing new car, or something you want to say you are feeling good about it
iv. well!---just continue to talking
v. you see --- ex: you see we went there. make no sense
vi. by the way -- ex: by the way what movie did you go last week
vii. To be honest --- ex: to be honest i am content what i earn
viii. exactly -- rather than saying yes
ix. No way ---
x. yea, you are right, hmm...
xi.  you know --similar to you see
xii. basically..--while having continuous conversation or presentation or communication
xiii. certainly ---- like exactly acknowledging someone

6.Grooming For Job Interview:

1.Hair : for men : neat/clean/go for hair cut..to be short
            for Women : neat/clear/have a blow dry[don't go with spikes]
                                  hair accessories should be professional and small not too loud and jazzy
                                  you can tie, or if you want open make sure it doesn't fall on face
                                 don't go for hair colours like blue, red
2.Jewellery :Ear rings:  for men : no ear rings[no studs]
                     for Women : stud[gold/perl]
                     Watch : leather belt is preferred
                     Necklace / bracelet : let it be very simple
                     Finger Ring : one ring in each hand
                    avoid chunky and flashy jewellery
3.Attire : have to be formally dressed
             men : formal shirt [long sleeves,well ironed, crisp, pastel colours[light blue,sky blue, leamon                yellow etc], small checks ]
             women :formal shirt[full/half sleeves,trousers,skirt knee length, scarf around neck]
skirts\trousers : dark colours[brown,blue,black etc..]
dress colour : subtle shades avoid flashy colours
winter season : could wear blazer
4.shoes : formal shoes[formal and polished]
5.belt : has to be of the same colour of the shoes and buckle should be formal
         for women : of the same colour of shoes and the purse.
6. Make up: perfume: important and get the confidence. it should not strong
7. Lipstick and Make up : too gaudy and too bright, it should be light colour not too glossy[pink,light brown,red(based on skin tone)]
8.Hygiene: Attire should be perfect ,clean, give proper hand shake,
               For Men : Nails/Shave/
               For Women : Nails/Nail colour should be good/Waxing [short sleeves, skirts],user subtle shades for Nails
10. Footwear : for women : simple and comfortable,avoid wearing high heels
                      for men : avoid wearing bright flashy colours match your socks with the trousers you are wearing. belt should match your should.
11.Hand bag : should be simple avoid flashy colours .

Guidelines or tips:
1. wear comfortable clothes .. like cotton/natural fabrics avoid synthetic fabric..
2. being prepared --before day address, clothes, necessary documents etc
3. body odour : avoid
4. Body language : way you present yourself , maintain eye contact, sit appropriately
5. Smile
7.Common English Expression

1. Long time no see : you haven't met each other for a long time
2. 24/7 : Every minute of Every day
3. Beat Around the bush : not talking straight forward..not coming to the point
4. Sick and Tired : i hate to do that or i am fed up of something
5. Back and forth : backward & Forward [working very hard ]Ex : for my college admission, i am                                  running back and forth
6. what's the catch : something looks to good to be true : Ex : you went to mark , you saw 75% off then you would be thing what's the catch.
7. Give me a hand : please help.. asking for help
8. What a small world : reaction to unexpected co-incident
9. come on : please--hurry up--go faster
10. Fat chance : greater possibility[positive/negative]
    Ex : a fat chance for women in this competition.

8.Handling Group Discussions:

1.Be yourself : avoid putting an act, be in a natural way
2.be a Great communicator : be calm, confident, clear tone.maintaining eye contact
3.be Assertive : humble ,don't interrupt a person let them share their opinions , if you disagree respect their points and add your on top of it
4. Brownie points : initiate the topic if you know the topic, or wait for a couple of members to start the  conversation and start your point and must be a active listener.
5. user quotes, facts, statistics[if you know clearly]

9.Things to avoid saying in the first meeting: proper social business Etiquette:
1.Avoid Negative comments-- don't be complainer
2.money Related topics --ex :what is your salary?/how much you get paid?
3. Religious Sentiments--ex : are you religious?/do you believe in god?
4. Sexual Orientation Questions ----ex: are you interested in men?/women?
5.health & hardship info -- Ex :i have serious health problems/i am filling for bankruptcy
6.Physical Appearances :-- ex : i really like your outfit/you have a lovely hand bag
7.Self centred conversations : ex : I...I..I/ME..ME..ME
ask appropriate questions
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Greetings:
1.   how are you doing?/how do you do? -- i am doing good
2.  how have you been?--asked by people who have already met.they want to know  you have been        well since the last time two of you met
3. It is nice to meet you/pleased to meet you--only first time .. Next time onwards --it’s nice to see you again
4.long time no see/it's been a while : casual greetings when you haven’t seen someone in a long time, particularly if you meet that person unexpectedly.How much is a long time? It depends on how often you normally see that person
5.Good to see you /nice to see you : casual greetings used with friends co-workers and family members that you haven't seen in a while 
5. how's your day?or how's your day going?--not only asks how are you? asking how you have been all the day? like : co-workers simple ans : it's going well[perfect] or good or fine
6.How's is everything ?how are things?what's going on?--informal casually to greet the preson you have met before. simple ans nothing, not much if any thing interesting share it before asking what about you?
7.Hey, hey man,hi --casual greeting , Some people also use “hey man” to casually greet younger women, but only do this if you know the woman very well. Remember that “hey” doesn't always mean “hello”. “Hey” can also be used to call for someone’s attention.
8 if you forgot people name : can you please remind me of your name?
11.Making Friends
having conversation with strangers
1.hi how  are you doing?i am sahitya. what is you name?
  hi my name is "JOHN" or nice to meet you Sahitya.my name is "JOHN"
  if you didn't get their Name : i am sorry . i didn't catch your name/i didn't get your name
  then i am sorry. my name is "JOHN"
once done .say nice to meet you.
Introducing them to your family or friends: 
please meet my friend "Natasha"
or i would like to meet you my friend "Natasha".

asking that person : where are you from?
response : i am from Italy or from London or
well i am originally from spain and now married and settled in USA.
                             : what you do?what you do for living?[what you do professionally]
                             : i am teacher..what about you?
                            : how old are you?/what is your age?
                            : i am 22 years old./my age is 22.
                     if you don't like : i am in my early 20s[21 and 25]
                                             i am in my late 20s[beyond 25]
what is your birthday?:its on the 7th of feb /i was born on 7th feb/i was born on the Christmas eve/i share my birthday with tomcruice that is July 3rd

It's a pleasure talking to you.
how can i contact you?may i have your email address?or may i have your number?/may i have your fb id?
it was a great speaking to you.
12.how to use "SUGGEST"
unusual English word.offering an idea.

1. suggest never followed by personal objects[you me us]
    i hope you suggest a good restaurant.not i hope you suggest us a good restaurant.

ii. suggest followed by the word that
we had no plans untill peter suggested that we go to the new chines
iii. can you suggest some spicy Chinese dishes?
iv. my doctor suggests not eating spicy food.
use Record in place of suggest.
LOSE[verb],LOST[past participle]:you no longer have it.
ex: you lose your wallet
   you can lose money gambling.
  JOHN lost the Tennis match
  i lost my grandfather in an accident.
i lost the button on my shirt

LOOSE[adjective]--not fitting/in accurate
ex: you wear loose clothes in summer
who lets the dogs loose?
it was loose.
i have lost the button on my shirt. it was loose.

LOSS[noun]--plural form LOSSES
ex: the company made a huge LOSS this year.[financial LOSS]
      she couldn't get over the LOSS of her son.[family LOSS]

Sentence : i am on a weight LOSS Program.
               My clothes have gotten LOOSE.Because i have lost weight.
14.GOOD and WELL

Good : adjective 
  it describes a noun[place,thing,person]
Well : adverb
 it modifies the verb[more information regarding action]        
ex : John's English is good.    
     John speaks English well.  

That's a good business plan.He executed the plan well.
he is a good action. he is well known for his acting.
15. How to use "Need"

is a necessity/required/must have

  • i need a help
  • i need some new winter clothes
  • she needs to talk to him
  • Need Needed Needed
  • you need not ask my permission.
  • need we wait any longer?[yes you must/no you need not]
  • PAST:
  • we needn't have waited for them.[it was unnecessary we waited for them]
  • you needn't have lost your temper
  • NOUN:
  • Education is a Need.
  • Difference b/n need and Desire
2 meals per day is a need.Desire is not a necessity.
16. Talking about BAD HABITS
Body related and behavioural
Body :
1.cracking knuckles---crates a crisp and popping sound---annoying
2. picking your nose ----boogers[dirt in the nose]digging to the boogers
3.Twirling your hair---unpleasant--twisting hair around your finger
4.slouching --- not sitting properly [unable to sit properly]
5.shaking hands /legs--unpleasant for the others


1.cursing[god damn,.......]
2.Road Rage
3.Being a Slacker --- keeps pushing their work to someone
4.To procrastinate-- never now always later
5. phubbing --phone + snubbing[while talking someone , but you are working on your phone]

17.Talk about Sickness
expression for using when we are unwell.we have to explain what we feel.
ache : discomfort or pain
Ex : headache, toothache,earache

ex : eye infection[itchy eyes,watery eyes], throat infection, 

Sore : unable to have food
ex : sore neck, sore eyes,sore throat[feeling itchy]

feeling faint, dizzy, 
ex :  i feel dizzy
       i am having a bad hangover.
nose : running nose
ex: she has a runny nose
i have blocked nose.
i have a nasal congestion.

ENT--Ears, Nose and throat specialist

i have stiff shoulder, i have a frozen shoulder[unable to move]
bloated stomach.[bloated tummy]
i have  a bloated stomach/belly.

Cramps sprain[twist the legs]
ex : muscular discomfort[spasms]
        oh i sprained my leg

allergy : 
ex : food allergy, dust allergy etc
 allergic to  dust.
when you hurt yourself
ex: i hurt my knee.
Prescription : medicines given by doctor.
pharmacy/drug store : get medicine

i took tablet yesterday[always must use take for medicines]
18. Speaking about Funny People
  • Goofy person : who dresses up ridiculous costumes, funny jokes and expressions./Goof boll
  • Witty person : cracks clever jokes and always quick.
  • Prankster : someone plays practical jokes
  • Self deprecating : making fun on your own flaws
  • Dry sense of Humour : clever fun
  • Quirky sense of humour : of beat jokes. something which never heard about
  • Negative Humour : 
  • Warped Sense of humour : about death, about tragedy 
  • Toilet Humour : 
  • lame jokes/corny jokes/corn boll : Silly and dumb jokes
  • Frat boy Humour : especially boys ...
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19. Expressions used at Restaurant :

  • i would like to have a table for 2
  • i have a reservation in the name of "Sahitya".
  • Ordering :
  • i would like to have a pint of beer/i will have a cocktail.
  • if you are not sure : what do you recommend?
  • do you have any specials?if the specials are there you should say i will take that.
  • Best way to call waiter : excuse me please?
  • if you want to add to your order or change your order :
    could we also have one garlic bread please
  • if you want to make sure that the waiter weather you need too spicy or oily
  • please make sure that food is not greasy
  • Expressions:
  • if the waiter asked : 
  • you can say food is delicious/i am really enjoying it/food is scrumptious
  • the food is cold/it is not hot enough/it doesn't taste right.
  • you would request replace the dish . could you please replace it please?
  • After food is over
  • could i have a check or bill please?
  • if you ask for leftover food : could i have a doggy bag, please?
English Speaking confidence:
1. Fake it till you make it
2. realise that your mistakes wont matter.
3. Take it easy
4. Prepare: well practise 
20 Shut up

  • Put a sock in it : hey put a sock in it . i am trying to study here
  • cork it : it means keep quite 
    ex: when you try to pop-up a soda bottle.you are trying to stop it.when some one disturbing you
  • Simmer down : when you are cooking on high flame. you have to say it simmer it down
    ex: hey dad simmer it down[just relax/calm down]
  • Wind your neck in : people who give opinion..trying to confuse you
    ex: hey man wind your neck in let me figure it out
  • Pipe down :last signal for going for bed
    ex :hey pipe down i am trying to sleep
  • Button up : to close your mouth
  • Zip up :
    ex : enough zip up
21. Borrow and Lend :
borrow : you take something from someone
lend : give something to someone
ex : can i borrow your car?Yes i lend you my car
i need to borrow some money for shopping. i can't afford to lend you any money.
i borrowed a book from lisa. Lisa lent me a book.
lend me money.
can i borrow your dress?
can you lend me your dress?
22. JOBS and Occupations:
what do you do? i am selfemployed
                         i am a software engineer
                         i am an entrepreneur
                         i am a home maker
what do you do for living?mostly for the younger people
                  resp : i work as a teacher
What sort of work do you do?--what is the nature or kind of job
              resp : i teach English  at the high school
i am a crime reporter
 i am a java developer
i run a retail garment store
what line of work are you in?/what field? /industry ?
resp : Education, i work for media., i am in retailing , i am in IT
whom do you work for?
resp : i work for st.mary's high school,
        i work for infosys.
i am doing an internship with an IT company
i am training to be a nurse.
i am on a break/i am on a Sabbatical
I do voluntary job/Social Service
i work as a part-timer /freelance after college
23.Christmas Vocabulary:
  • Advent : month leads to Christmas
  • chimney : a vertical pipe
  • Christmas carols: religious songs , praising the lord
  • Egg-nog : traditional Christmas drink with alcohol, beaten egg and milk
  • Holly : evergreen plant, has beautiful berries around.
  • Star of Bethlehem : star announces the birth of Jesus Christ
  • sleigh :  a light car pulled by the reindeer.
  • white Christmas :snows on the 25th of the DEC
  • parades : group of people 
  • Seasons greetings : merry Christmas to you/seasons greetings to you/happy holidays to you.
  • Facts/Traditions:
  • Setting up crib: seen of nativity,green carpet, statues etc
  • Advent Wreath : ever green circle of ever green leaves.puts front door of church or home 
  • Christmas tree :with gifts, and star on top 
  • Santa Claus: father Christmas.
  • Exchanging gifts :
24.Talking about Fitness:
1.you need to loose weight
2. i want to get back in shape.
3.work out
4. Warm Up/ Cool down
5.burning calories
6. Dieting
7.Brisk walking
Forms of Exercise :
2. Pilates :
3. kick boxing :form of martial arts
4. aerobics : rhythmic exercise
5.Spinning : indoor exercise like cycling
6.GYM : all above activities performed and some equipement  
7. treadmill : we can walk and run
8. cross trainer : where we are peddling and moving our hands
9. bike : stationary cycle
10. Rowing :
11. bar bells and dumbbells:
gym trainer/fitness trainers : helps you doing exercise.
25. Speaking in Phone 
1.mention your name when you answer your call

2. Speak clearly
3. use your words right
4. listen actively: acknowledge to the caller and avoid interrupting
5.use descriptive language : you need to brush up on your communication skills
make use of giving examples, shapes, colours, etc. imagine ....
6.keep a pen and  paper handy : sometimes you might forget what caller talked to you.

Action or situation in present.reference something which is going little longer than expect

always followed by a verb or adjective

Do you still live with your parents? 

it is still raining?[it hasn't stopped raining yet]
i took two pills but i still have a headache.


used for questions and for Negative sentences.

indicates something that we expect to happen or expect something that has to happen.
Most of the times it comes last.
and always being used in present perfect.

if the action being continued. if you want to give a reason why the action being continued ther we need to use Yet

They haven't met her yet.
haven't they paid yet.
we still don't know. who will be our new boss. the owners haven't told us yet.


to talk about the things that happend sooner than expected.
use it with present perfect or past perfect.

goes in the middle of the sentence or at the end.

she has fixed it already.
have you both already met?
it's already 12'O clock already?

Past COntinuous Tense:
talk about something happening in the past

use was/were[auxilary verbs].--helps to identify the tense.
1.i was sleeping
2.i was watching TV when she called.[one action going on when a shorter action being interrupted]
here shorter action should be simple past.
3.At 8 PM i was eating dinner.[no matter when it was started]
4. i was cooking dinner. and he was reading
5. They were yelling at each other.
yelling means: A loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight:

ONE of :...

talking about one member among the group of man
1.one of the members was ill.
2.one of the students was selected for a the debate
3.one of the executives was 



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