Journey To Boardroom

                                            Journey To Boardroom
1.Company culture and people you are working with matter
Working with people who don't discriminate you because of your age, things automatically become easy for you.Though how you do compared to cohorts(A group of people with common characteristics) of your age. and the way you present yourself among your superiors always matter.

2. Hard work , commitment and dedication
how you perform effects your appraisal show your superiors your dedication towards the company.

3.Be Ambitious
very important in today's tough competing job market .never lose a sight of who you are.

4.Taking Risk is important
There is a lot of risk taking while climbing the ladder of success.When you are young can take for more risk given the consequences of any failure would be comparatively for less.

5.Learn to Manage People Older than you
you have to be absolutely comfortable at managing people who are older that you ,If you excel the art of showing others that you are in charge things will be easier But this is a tough challenge as there will be times when other parties would find themselves surprised and moreover frustrated during negotiations.

6.Some people are born to be leaders
In your journey you need raw talent , enthusiasm and dedication. If you are born to see the big picture with an eye to assess small risks,consider yourself lucky.It's cruel to understand your gifts in order to utilize them well.

Things to do in the First Hour of the Day:

Greeting their Colleagues .First hour of the day is important it can effect your productivity and mindset of the rest of the day.

1.Step back and reflect: Look at their larger goals to better prioritize.
2.they strategize  : where they are now
3.they check their to do list and calendars
4.they update their to do list and calendars
5.they organize their workstations
6.they acknowledge and plan for the tough projects
7.They don't address people conflicts
8.They set a goal for the day
9.They write something that requires thought
10.They greet the team
11.They glance at emails
12.They avoid distractions
13.They don't hold meetings(suggested in mid-afternoons)
14.They relax

12 Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast

1.They wake up early
   Before Sunrise 
   Productive morning start with early wake up calls.
2. They exercise before it falls off the to do list
3. They work on top-priority business project
4. They work on personal passion project
5. They spend quality time with family
6. they connect with their spouses
7. They network over coffee
8. They meditate to clear their minds
9. they write down the things they are grateful for
10. they plan and strategize while they are fresh
11. They check their email
12. They read the news

Value to the Time

  Very inspirational

 To realize the Value of One YEAR
               ask the student who just failed their final exams
To realize the Value of One MONTH
               ask the Mother who just gave birth to a pre-mature baby
To realize the value of One WEEK
               ask the Survivor who has survived a natural disaster
To realize the value of One DAY
               ask the Grand mother who is dying of cancer
To realize the value of One HOUR
               ask the lovers who are waiting to meet
To realize the value of One MINUTE
               ask the person who just missed their bus
To realize the value of One SECOND
               ask the person who just avoided an accident 
To realize the value of a MILLISECOND
               ask the person who has won the silver medal in the Olympics
Between too early and too late there is never more than a moment.

what is the value of your time?
you might delay.. but time won't
Decide right now to value your make the most of every single moment.


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