1. SO   Vs  Too  vs  Very

So:to add extra information. always followed by adj or adv

ex: she is so fast.
     that car is so dirty.
     she is such a pretty girl

Too: -ve expression. it is used as intensifier something which is more than enough or necessary.

 ex: its too hot
      stop it  its too loud.it is hurting my ears.
     she is a way too fat.
a way : another way of intensifier we can use before too
far : another way of intensifier we can use before too.
expressions like : too much, too many we can use as too
i ate too much.

Very:Strong feeling
similar to So
always followed by Adjective.
ex: i am very excited.
English  is very difficult
she plays the piano very well.

2. IDIOMS related to emotions
i. to carry the torch for : to be in love with someone.
    secret love/one side love.
 ex: john carries the torch for Jain. but Jain has no clue about it.
     i have the torch for so and so person.
ii. chip on your shoulder : person not treated well by others.
ex: the boy comes from working family. at times he feels a chip on his shoulder.
iii. fish out of water: when you are uncomfortable situation or weather.
iv. to go bananas : people feel very angry/ to go crazy
ex: my mom goes bananas.when she sees my messy room
v. go to pieces/fall to pieces : extremely difficult situation..just depressed can't think clearly.
ex: after i heard the news of his death i went to pieces.
vi. be as hard as nails: someone who doesn't have sympathy or no emotions or no feelings for others.
vii. no hard feelings: no bitterness.like an agreement
ex: hey man no hard feelings right!
viii. to be in a stew: to be extremely stress or agitated about something.
ex: i am in a stew my son is not back home yet.

3.Smart and Polite ways to say 'NO':
to deny request:
i. I would love to help you, but i am really busy right now. i am so sorry.
ii. i wish i could help you...
iii. unfortunately now is not a good time for me.

to deny offer:
i. I  appreciate the offer but this is not going to work for me...
ii. that would be great deal for me  but it doesn't really suit my requirement.
iii. thank you for the offer, however it won't be possible for me to go ahead. i am sorry.

to deny an invitation:
i. that sounds great but i have something else planned out for this weekend.
ii. i really appreciate the invitation..
iii. i wish i could come. but i am planning to meet my parents.
iv. thanks for the invitation but ...

4. Winter Vocabulary:

i. cold snap : short period of cold weather
ii. slush : melting smell. after snow started melting it turns dirty and mushy.
iii. snow bound: because of heavy snow you really can't come out.
iv. to hibernate:to be inactive for some time
v. wind chill : wind blows you feel very cold
vi. sleet : mix of snow and rains

Phrases:to tell people that it really cold out side

i. its freezing outside.
ii. i guess its below zero. don't say under zero
iii. its  arcitic outside
iv. i can see my breath in the air
v. my car is iced up
vi. its pretty frosty today.
1.Speaking effectively over phone

make sure others are not talking something about like uninteresting and unprofessional.
it maintains a level of confidence.
Speak right and people will enjoy talking to you.
i. mention your name when you answer the call.
like: hello,
ii. speak clearly and raise your voice
pronounce your words well.
don't mumble , gushing may be the caller must be hard at hearing may be he can't understand the language properly.
iii.use the words that make sense to the person you are speaking with
user respectful and professional words
iv. Listen Actively
also make sure that acknowledge and avoid interrupting
v.use good & descriptive language
vi. Keep a pen and paper handy
the time when you forgot or when your tongue tighten

2. Different styles of saying 'I Love U'
wouldn't be nice if you learn new phrases
i. poet:

i am smitten by you. [your world revolves around that person/extremely attractive to that person]
i am under your spell[so fascinated with that person.]
i earn for you[longing for some one with compassion]

ii.persuasive/over the top[strong manner/exaggerate]
we complete each other.[great pair]
i worship you.
i can't do without you.

iii.slangy[Hollywood movies]

I'm hooked on you.[extremely addicted to that person]
Pre cop[pre sex agreement no emotional bonding its more like friends with benefits]
cup cake[couple don't want to go out just prefer to stay home to get into more closely]

iv. Lustful[physical attraction]

Let's turn on the heat.[let's mess around especially in a part finding someone attractive]
you make me burn with desires.
your place or mine?

3. Phrasal verbs with GO
 phrasal verb :  verb followed by a preposition
Go- present, went-past, gone-past participle
1. Go Off: to make a loud noise or to explode
my alarm clock went off at 7 am.
2. Go Over: to review[before submission]
you should go over the reports.
3. Go through: means to review/to experience
i went through the reports.
she went through an awful divorce.[means she had a bad experience]
4. Go with:to match/that suits the other
the grey shirt goes with denims.
5. Go back on: not keeping the words/promise
John hasn't gone back on his word.
6.Go down: reduce or to decrease
The share market went down
7.Go on with: continue with your plan
you should go on with your plan
8.Go in for: to participate
are you going in for the test?
9.Go without: absent from
a came can go without water for many months.



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