
Showing posts from January, 2015
Currencies: 1.    1 million = 10 lacs or 1000 thousands   2.   1 crore = 10 millions   3.  1  billion = 100 crores = 1000 millions   4.   1 trillion = 10000 billions   5.   1 zillion = 100000 trillions 
 Java Script and JQuery 1.Getting ID from attribute Name    here comparing the id with some expected id.    if($('input[name="topDataSource"]')[0].id=='idvalue')
                        Web Application Execution Process 1. web applications have 3 layers                   i. users side i.e basic browser                   ii. dynamic content generation tool like java,ASP,PHP                  iii. Actual data stored i.e database These called as Presentation, Application and Storage Layers The user's side with the browser is also referred as the client/thin client and web applications are also referred as web widgets. Web Application: Appl ication program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through  a browser interface. It allows the user to submit and retrieve data to/from a database over the internet through the browsers. we can access web applications without installing and downloading any software. Types of Web Applications: tow types i. Presentation  oriented: Generates the dynamic web pages containing various mark-up language (HTML, XML, and so on) in response to the request. i
SVN Setup in Eclipse Eclipse support CVS(Concurrent version System) by default in order to support SVN we need some plugin.i.e Subclipse Plugin. 1.Subclipse Plugin:   go to  this link, then click on " Download and Install ” tab and get the Eclipse Updated URL for ex: Eclipse update site URL:  Eclipse update site URL: 2.Eclipse IDE: Go to HELP->install New Software and in Work With Text box: copy Update site URL ( ) then click on "ADD" button then you get one pop-up enter some name in it then click on "ok" then "select All Components" and then "next" finally it will install. Restart your Eclipse IDE 3.Test SVN in Eclipse: go to  Windows->Open Perspective->Others,choose "SVN Repositories" check out svn code in eclipse First of All install svn plugin in Eclipse. 1.Go to File-->

Top 18 Tools For Java Developers:

Gradle :  Build tool. Automates the building, testing, publishing, deployment, and more of software as well as generating static websites or documentation. Eclipse :  Open-source integrated development environment (IDE). If you could have just one tool for Java development, Eclipse would be a good choice. IntelliJ :  IDE made by JetBrains, available in an Apache 2-licensed community edition and a commercial edition. IntelliJ provides similar features to Eclipse, with a smooth, developer-friendly experience. YourKit :  Java profiler. Combines powerful analysis capabilities, on-demand profiling during both development and production, free embedding into production, and seamless IDE and application server integration. Clover :  Code coverage tool from Atlassian. Runs in your IDE or continuous integration system, and includes test optimization to make tests run faster and fail sooner. Mockito :  Mock library. Open-source testing framework that enables the creation, verification,

Journey To Boardroom

                                            Journey To Boardroom 1.Company culture and people you are working with matter Working with people who don't discriminate you because of your age, things automatically become easy for you.Though how you do compared to cohorts(A group of people with common characteristics) of your age. and the way you present yourself among your superiors always matter. 2. Hard work , commitment and dedication how you perform effects your appraisal show your superiors your dedication towards the company. 3.Be Ambitious very important in today's tough competing job market .never lose a sight of who you are. 4.Taking Risk is important There is a lot of risk taking while climbing the ladder of success.When you are young can take for more risk given the consequences of any failure would be comparatively for less. 5.Learn to Manage People Older than you you have to be absolutely comfortable at managing people who are older that
English Websites for learning 1.contains dialogues -- 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.Talking about taste: Hi Food is one of my favourite things in the world. we are all able to taste food from all corners of the globe, so there needs so many adjectives to describe what we are tasting. different tastes: Bitter:  unpleasant taste like : coffee, dark chocolate Sweet : taste of sugar Dry : not wet Moist : A little Wet Bland/tasteless : Boring Spicy : Having Strong flavours from spice Savoury :  Not sweet like : bread Rich : Rich food has a lot of butter, cream , or eggs in it. Salty : taste of salt tasty : good flavour and nice to eat it Sugary : taste of sugar Greasy :